NEWLearn To Control Your Brain Waves And Nervous System
The Flow State Method ⚡️
Learn how to use visualization, breathwork and brainwave entrainment music to prime your mind and body for single-minded focus so you can consistently access flow states at work and play.

Shift Your Mental State
Make focus and flow your superpower
The Flow State Method training will guide you through the process of pre-planning your week in under 20 minutes so you can schedule flow sessions of uninterrupted focus where you can consistently feel and perform your best.
Then, you will learn how to prime your mind and body for those flow sessions using a variety of visualization, breathwork and brainwave entrainment practices to overcome scattered focus and start to train your mind for single-pointed focus on your most important activities.
I created the Flow State Method after a decade of trying 100s of different ways to get my highly-distractible ADHD brain to focus on the right activities to grow my businesses and stop getting sucked into Internet rabbit holes of distraction.
If you are ready to reclaim your time, energy and attention from all those digital distractions that keep you scattered, then the Flow State Method was designed to help you get into a state of single-minded focus and flow consistently by following a simple process each morning.
To make it easier to put on a pair of headphones and drop consistently into flow I've also included my huge collection of binaural beats, isochronic tones, guided breathwork sessions and a series of guided meditations for charging yourself up in the morning and powering yourself down in the evening so you can relax, recharge and sleep better.
If you want to learn how to control your brain waves and nervous system so you can instantly reduce your stress, prime your mind for deep focus and elevate your creativity by accessing altered states of consciousness, then the Flow State Method will be a game changer for you.
Here's a quick primer on the 4-part Flow Cycle for accessing flow states based on the research of Herbert Benson at Harvard University who pioneered the relaxation response and what he called "the breakout principle" for heightened states of focus and creativity.

1. Struggle
Preparation (Beta Waves)
This first phase of the Flow cycle involves creating the optimal conditions for a single point of focus on a challenging and meaningful activity with zero distractions for your morning flow session.
For this, we use a combination of visualization, breathwork and meditation to prime the mind and relax the body for a calm state of focus that can be sustained through the inner resistance that comes up when we’re pushing beyond our comfort zone.
2. Release
Incubation (Alpha Waves)
The second phase involves taking your attention off your work and the problem you are working on so you can completely relax and allow your subconscious processing to do its magic.
For this, you want to prime your subconscious mind and then step away from your creative work and completely unplug from all screens for at least 5-10 minutes so you can enter a relaxed state of free-flowing insight, intuition and imagination.
3. Flow
Illumination (Theta/Gamma Waves)
The third phase is the flow state where your mind becomes fully engaged when you return to work and each action flows effortlessly into the next to the point that you lose track of time.
For this, brainwave entrainment music is excellent for both entering the flow state and sustaining your absorption in flow for longer periods of time. Flow is a state of illumination that comes when we are doing meaningful and challenging activities that push us into new territory of insight and skill.
4. Recovery
Verification (Delta Waves)
Finally, the last phase is crucially important to consistently achieve flow because a flow state uses a cocktail of your five most potent neurotransmitters. This means you must actively rest and recharge your mind and body.
For this, the practice of deep rest, brainwave entrainment, and relaxing meditation that allows you to get into theta and delta states can help speed up your recovery and deepen the neural connections that come with new ideas, insights, and learning.
Here's What You Get In The Flow State Method:

Beta Waves (12 - 30 Hz)
1. Relaxed Focus
Tap into the slower beta brain waves that make it easier to pay attention to a single point of focus.
Get the Laser Focus Protocol to create the optimal environment for deep work
Access SMR Waves (12 - 15 Hz) on command to reduce distractibility and impulsivity.

Alpha Waves (8 - 12 Hz)
2. Creative Flow
Tap into a relaxed state of alpha brain waves to release from constantly thinking into flow.
Get the Creative Flow Protocol for idea incubation and mental release from analytical thinking
Learn how to tap into stillness and quiet the mind with Heart Coherence Meditation

Theta Waves (4 - 8 Hz)
3. Liminal Dreaming
Tap into effortless states of relaxation and dreamlike liminal states.
Learn the Edison Dali Method for using hypnagogia for creative problem solving
Tap into the liminal state just after you wake up for dream play and enhanced dream recall

Delta Waves (0.5 - 4 Hz)
4. Deep Rest
Tap into delta waves for deep states of peace and tranquillity.
Repay sleep debt with a series of guided Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR) practices
Use NSDR and lucid dream induction to enter dream states during your afternoon naps

Gamma Waves (30 - 40 Hz)
5. Hyperfocus
Tap into gamma brain waves for peak states of hyperfocus and insight.
Overcome procrastination and lack of focus on off-days with gamma induced hyperfocus
Get my philosophical chillstep collection for inspiration and effortless walking meditation
Control Your Mental State
Choose the brainwave state you want and then get audio-driven practices to tap into it.
Meditation Music
Guided Breathwork
Binaural Beats
Creative Visualization
Isochronic Tones
Solfeggio Frequencies
Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NDSR)
Philosophical Chillstep
Meditation Music
Guided Breathwork
Binaural Beats
Creative Visualization
Isochronic Tones
Solfeggio Frequencies
Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NDSR)
Philosophical Chillstep
Bonuses For Better Focus, Energy And Mood
Elevate your performance with 2 mini-courses

1. Consciousness Hacking And Flow State Psychology
Get a 1-hour training on the science of brainwave training and how to control your brain waves and balance your nervous system using methods like brainwave entrainment music, breathwork and meditation.
2. Biohacking Dopamine
Get a second 1-hour training on natural ways to boost dopamine so you can improve focus, energy and mood while decreasing negative symptoms of ADHD or ADT, which is attention deficit traits such as distractibility, procrastination and overthinking.
Learn To Control Your Brain Waves And Nervous System
The Flow State Method
Get access to everything and cancel anytime.Access everything in the Flow State Method and more do-it-yourself online courses, guides and workshops by joining the DIY Genius Community.
- ✅ Relaxed Focus
- ✅ Creative Flow
- ✅ Liminal Dreaming
- ✅ Deep Rest
- ✅ Hyperfocus
Have any question? Find answers here.
What is brainwave entrainment?
Entrainment is the principle that the rhythms in the human brain reflect the rhythms in the world. For music this effect is known in the scientific literature as the frequency following effect.
How does this help me be more focused and productive?
States become traits. As you learn to shift your mental state out of distraction and overthinking into altered states of deep focus and flow you'll find that focus becomes easier.
While brainwave entrainment is a shortcut, the flow state meditations and breathwork practices can help you more effectively change your habits.
How will this help with ADHD?
ADHD is largely considered to be caused by either a dopamine deficiency or the need for more stimulation than neurotypical people to release dopamine.
Music is one of the best ways to release dopamine and you probably already using music to help with your focus and productivity.
Brainwave frequencies in the gamma and high beta range can be effective for improving distractibility as the most common form of ADHD (there are 7 different types) is observed by QEEG neurofeedback as an excess of daydreaming theta waves and a lack of beta waves.
Why the difference between the membership and lifetime access?
We recently launched a new online membership program to make some of our advanced flow state training more accessible.
You can access the Flow State Method at a deep discount for a limited time.